Note on Vegetarian/Vegan labels

The recipes labeled Vegetarian and/or Vegan may have references to animal products.

The animal products referred to are an optional protein source for omnivores, but not required for the actual recipe.

The Spice Rack: Herbs and Spices

Spices** make the difference between bland and fabulous when preparing any dish. It's easy to add a little salt or a little fat to add flavor, but when you're trying to eat healthier these are the most frequently omitted parts of any recipe; resulting in boring, bland foods that no one really likes.

If you're not familiar with the huge variety of spices available, or are uncomfortable using them, look for recipes that push your envelope a little. Look for the recipe that uses a spice you've only read about, or even one you've never heard of.

Follow the recipes directions exactly when you're just discovering the amazing world of flavor spices provide. Eventually, you'll find that you like dill better than thyme or sage a little less than marjoram.

Once you're familiar with the flavors, and sometimes textures, that different spices give to your food; you'll feel more comfortable experimenting and use oregano instead of cilantro or chili instead of black pepper.

Happy Cooking!


These are currently the spices I have in my house which may be used in any of my recipes.

On the rack (or in the cupboard)
baharat, arabic
*bay leaf, whole
bay leaf, ground
*black pepper
chili powder
*cinnamon, ground
*clove, ground
*cream of tartar
*dried onion
*garam masala
*garlic powder
garlic salt
*ginger, ground
greek seasoning (McCormick)
lemon peel, dried
Madras Curry Powder
mustard, ground
nutmeg, ground
*sage, rubbed
svaneti salt
*vanilla extract
vanilla powder

Perishable or refrigerated
chili sauce
fish sauce
*garlic (minced or whole)
soy sauce
*worcesteshire sauce

*Essentials of a well-stocked spice rack
Essentials for my spice rack (in addition to *)

**Spices is used as a general term for herbs and spices, fresh and dried.

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